


Automatically gather user feedback from your Telegram groups for easy access.

Olvy's Telegram Integration is a strategic tool designed for communities and teams that gather around Telegram for discussions and feedback on their products. As communities grow, so does the challenge of tracking valuable feedback amidst the flurry of messages. This integration simplifies feedback management by enabling the direct push of Telegram messages as feedback into Olvy, where it can be analyzed and actioned.

Setting Up the Integration

The setup process begins in Telegram by adding the @OlvyFeedbackBot to your group and granting it admin permissions. This step is crucial for the bot to access and read messages for potential feedback identification. Following the bot's addition, executing the /connect command in the group facilitates linking your Telegram group to the designated Olvy workspace, completing the setup process.

Pushing Feedback to Olvy

Feedback from Telegram can be pushed to Olvy in two primary ways:

  1. Using a feedback hashtag: Any message tagged with #feedback (or a custom hashtag defined in the Olvy integration settings) is automatically recognized as feedback and pushed to Olvy.

  2. Mentioning @OlvyFeedbackBot: Replying to a message and mentioning the bot triggers the feedback push to Olvy, making it a versatile option for feedback identification.

Completing the User Feedback Loop

With feedback collected in Olvy, the platform enables several avenues to act on this information:

  • Creating user profiles: For each piece of feedback pushed from Telegram, Olvy creates a user profile, aiding in personalized communication.

  • Communicating via feedback and issues: Olvy allows for direct communication with users through feedback and issues, facilitating updates or release announcements directly tied to the initial feedback.

  • Announcements: Olvy's announcement feature enables sending updates to multiple users, closing the feedback loop by informing them about new developments inspired by their suggestions.

Configuring Your Telegram Integration

The Telegram integration offers customizable settings to tailor the feedback collection process to your needs, including:

  • Customizing the feedback hashtag: Allows for the specification of a unique hashtag for feedback recognition.

  • Message acknowledgement: An optional feature where the bot acknowledges the feedback push in the Telegram group to inform users their feedback has been captured.