
Google Play Store

Google Play Store

Effortlessly import all your Play Store reviews into Olvy.

Olvy's Playstore Integration is a comprehensive solution designed for app developers and product teams who strive to stay connected with their user base through the Google Play Store. This integration enables you to automatically collect user reviews from your Playstore-listed app directly into your Olvy workspace. It simplifies the process of monitoring, analyzing, and responding to user feedback, turning valuable user reviews into actionable insights that can influence your engineering roadmap. Furthermore, it facilitates closing the feedback loop by allowing you to notify users about updates and enhancements made in response to their requests.

Setting Up the Integration

The setup process for Olvy's Playstore Integration involves several steps that require access to your Google Play Developer Console. You'll need to create a Service Account, configure access rights, and obtain a JSON file with your credentials, along with your app's package name and bucket URL. These components are essential for Olvy to fetch and analyze your app's reviews effectively.

Steps for Configuration:

  1. Service Account Creation: This step involves logging into your Google Play Developer Console, creating a new service account named, for example, "Olvy", and assigning it Owner rights. This is crucial for enabling Olvy's integration to function properly.

  2. Obtaining the JSON File: After creating the service account, you will generate and download a JSON key, which serves as a credential file for the integration.

  3. Package Name and Bucket URL: You will also need to find your app's package name and bucket URL from your Google Play Developer Console. The package name is essential for identifying your app, while the bucket URL is required for Olvy to fetch older reviews.

Collecting Reviews from Playstore

Upon completing the setup, Olvy will start collecting reviews from your Playstore app automatically. It doesn't just aggregate these reviews; Olvy analyzes them to provide insights into common themes and user sentiments. This analysis can help prioritize feature developments or fixes based on actual user feedback. Each reviewer's profile is created in Olvy, allowing for personalized communication and engagement.

Communicating Updates and Enhancements

An integral feature of Olvy's Playstore Integration is its ability to directly communicate with users who have left reviews. This communication happens via the message activity in the Feedback section of Olvy, where you can send announcements about new updates or fixes that were made in response to user feedback. This ensures that users are aware their feedback is valued and acted upon, enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty.

Key Benefits:

  • Automated Review Collection: Streamlines the process of gathering user reviews from the Google Play Store.

  • Insightful Analysis: Transforms user reviews into actionable insights to guide product development.

  • User Profile Creation: Facilitates personalized communication by automatically creating user profiles based on reviews.

  • Direct User Communication: Allows you to easily notify users about updates, closing the feedback loop effectively.

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Get A Demo With Your Own Data

See the platform in action, with your own data, and answer the questions you have

Get A Demo With Your Own Data

See the platform in action, with your own data, and answer the questions you have