


CRMs are a good way to keep a record of all the user details but passing user requests to your team is difficult. Make your Hubspot CRM smart with Olvy’s Hubspot integration where you can merge all your user contacts with Olvy to keep a record of all their feedback and you can quickly push customer feedback you receive to your product team to help them understand the users better and ship and fix things your users are asking for.

Olvy on Hubspot also allows you to view all feedback the user has submitted to provide context and helps you automatically close the loop when something your users have asked for goes live.

Setting Up the Integration

Head over to your workspace’s setting and then to the Integrations.

  1. Here you’ll find Hubspot, authorise your Hubspot CRM with Olvy's Workspace.

  2. Go to your Hubspot and open the contact details of any user, you will find Olvy Feedback here.

That’s it, your integration is now ready to capture feedback and you will find all your user contacts merged with Olvy!

Capturing Feedback with Hubspot Integration

Once you are done with integrating Intercom with Olvy -

  1. You will then see an option to "Create Feedback", and click on it. You will then be shown a modal where you can fill in the user feedback you want to push to Olvy. Add your message and click on "Create Feedback", and the feedback will be added to Olvy.

  2. In your Hubspot’s user contact details, you’ll also find a log of all the valuable feedback that the user has given so far.

You can move over to message activity in Feedback, here you can send an announcement to your users and inform them about anything you ship that they had asked for and finally complete the loop to deliver customer delight.

Summing up, Olvy's Hubspot Integration helps you with -

  1. Pushing relevant feedback directly from Hubspot and analyzing all the feedback in one place.

  2. Quickly merge all your user contacts in one place.

  3. Keep a track of all the user feedback and the activities that the user does on Olvy.

  4. Communicate with all the users who gave feedback for all the research and communication purposes.