a changelog tool to keep your customers in loop

a changelog tool to keep your customers in loop

a changelog tool to keep your customers in loop

Keep your customers notified about product updates, changes, or bug fixes with Olvy’s no-code Changelog tool.

Keep your customers notified about product updates, changes, or bug fixes with Olvy’s no-code Changelog tool.

Keep your customers notified about product updates, changes, or bug fixes with Olvy’s no-code Changelog tool.

standalone page

Space to announce new features, changes, bug fixes, news, and more

Olvy's Changelog

in-app widgets

Multiple release note widget styles like modal, sidebar, popups, and embeds

Widget Demos

analytics per release

In-built analytics and sentiment analysis for each published release note

categorise your releases

Categorize your releases into different projects and categories

Acme’s Releases
Acme’s Releases
Acme’s Releases

custom domain

Customize the domain of your standalone page to match with your product

custom css

Customize the look of release notes with Custom CSS and make it your own

SEO ready

Predefined site description fields to take care of your SEO requirements

feedback and reactions

Get user feedback and learn what your users think about every release you make

inject custom JS

Integrate any third party script or tool you use with your Olvy releases page

beautiful release editor

Create and edit your release using various features in our Release Editor

user identification

Identify Visitor and Account information (metadata)

Read Documentation

Olvy APIs

Integrate any third party script or tool you use with your Olvy releases page

announce via email

Trigger automated emails to notify your users about new releases.

announce via email

Trigger automated emails to notify your users about new releases.

multi - language support

Understand your users globally with feedback auto-translation

Frequently asked questions

What is a changelog tool?

A product changelog tool is a software/widget which stores all minor and major changes done in an application or project. Checkout Codesanbox Changelog, which is powered by Olvy 🙌

Changelog tools are generally the communication bridge between your Company and your end users. It’s a must-have tool as it helps your current and future customers understand about what all changes and development is happening with the product. It also helps you as a Product Owner/Manager to automatically notify users who have requested for certain features.

Still in doubt? Just setup one today for free with Olvy and experience it yourself.

Why have a changelog?

There are multiple reasons to have a changelog. The primary reason being product update announcement.

In an era where tools are constantly evolving and changing for good, it’s essential to have a log of everything being changed so that users can understand what’s changed and why it’s happening. An active changelog also represents and active product whose team are constantly working towards building a better product.

How to write changelog?

Writing release notes are pretty easy if you follow the tips mentioned below:

  1. Write a clear write-up of what’s changing.

  2. The reason behind the change.

  3. How to use the new feature.

  4. Don’t use technical jargon unless it's mandatory.

Here is a link to one of our release note, which you can use as an example to write yours.

Essential features of changelog?

A changelog is not just a webpage or widget, it’s actually a crucial announcement tool which needs to have certain features which makes it a “True Changelog Tool”.

Some essential features include:

  1. Support for email and in-app announcement

  2. Custom CSS support to match your brand's identity

  3. Ability to track users

  4. Easy setup

  5. Collect user feedback

  6. Easily shareable

At Olvy we ensured to add all these features along with various other important features, do give it a try.

Can I use it for free?


You can use Olvy’s changelog tool for free, with certain limitations (but completely usable). You can also have a 30 days trial of our premium plans (no credit card required).

Frequently asked questions

What is a changelog tool?

A product changelog tool is a software/widget which stores all minor and major changes done in an application or project. Checkout Codesanbox Changelog, which is powered by Olvy 🙌

Changelog tools are generally the communication bridge between your Company and your end users. It’s a must-have tool as it helps your current and future customers understand about what all changes and development is happening with the product. It also helps you as a Product Owner/Manager to automatically notify users who have requested for certain features.

Still in doubt? Just setup one today for free with Olvy and experience it yourself.

Why have a changelog?

There are multiple reasons to have a changelog. The primary reason being product update announcement.

In an era where tools are constantly evolving and changing for good, it’s essential to have a log of everything being changed so that users can understand what’s changed and why it’s happening. An active changelog also represents and active product whose team are constantly working towards building a better product.

How to write changelog?

Writing release notes are pretty easy if you follow the tips mentioned below:

  1. Write a clear write-up of what’s changing.

  2. The reason behind the change.

  3. How to use the new feature.

  4. Don’t use technical jargon unless it's mandatory.

Here is a link to one of our release note, which you can use as an example to write yours.

Essential features of changelog?

A changelog is not just a webpage or widget, it’s actually a crucial announcement tool which needs to have certain features which makes it a “True Changelog Tool”.

Some essential features include:

  1. Support for email and in-app announcement

  2. Custom CSS support to match your brand's identity

  3. Ability to track users

  4. Easy setup

  5. Collect user feedback

  6. Easily shareable

At Olvy we ensured to add all these features along with various other important features, do give it a try.

Can I use it for free?


You can use Olvy’s changelog tool for free, with certain limitations (but completely usable). You can also have a 30 days trial of our premium plans (no credit card required).

Frequently asked questions

What is a changelog tool?

A product changelog tool is a software/widget which stores all minor and major changes done in an application or project. Checkout Codesanbox Changelog, which is powered by Olvy 🙌

Changelog tools are generally the communication bridge between your Company and your end users. It’s a must-have tool as it helps your current and future customers understand about what all changes and development is happening with the product. It also helps you as a Product Owner/Manager to automatically notify users who have requested for certain features.

Still in doubt? Just setup one today for free with Olvy and experience it yourself.

Why have a changelog?

There are multiple reasons to have a changelog. The primary reason being product update announcement.

In an era where tools are constantly evolving and changing for good, it’s essential to have a log of everything being changed so that users can understand what’s changed and why it’s happening. An active changelog also represents and active product whose team are constantly working towards building a better product.

How to write changelog?

Writing release notes are pretty easy if you follow the tips mentioned below:

  1. Write a clear write-up of what’s changing.

  2. The reason behind the change.

  3. How to use the new feature.

  4. Don’t use technical jargon unless it's mandatory.

Here is a link to one of our release note, which you can use as an example to write yours.

Essential features of changelog?

A changelog is not just a webpage or widget, it’s actually a crucial announcement tool which needs to have certain features which makes it a “True Changelog Tool”.

Some essential features include:

  1. Support for email and in-app announcement

  2. Custom CSS support to match your brand's identity

  3. Ability to track users

  4. Easy setup

  5. Collect user feedback

  6. Easily shareable

At Olvy we ensured to add all these features along with various other important features, do give it a try.

Can I use it for free?


You can use Olvy’s changelog tool for free, with certain limitations (but completely usable). You can also have a 30 days trial of our premium plans (no credit card required).