Product Feedback Surveys

Product Feedback Surveys

Understanding customers and knowing their choices and interests is essential for the long-term growth and retention of your product in the market. So, whether you launch a new product or make changes to the existing one, work according to your customers.

Now the question is how to know what customers want as it’s not possible to have a one-to-one conversation with every customer. So, you can conduct Product Feedback Surveys for this purpose. Don’t worry even if you are unaware of it.

In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything about product feedback surveys so that you can get ahead of your competitors.

So are you ready? Let’s get started.

What is Product Feedback Survey?

A product feedback survey is an online questionnaire regarding the product which is sent to customers who come in contact with that product.

As the name suggests, it is a survey form that collects feedback from customers. It helps companies to know what customers think and says about their products. Using product feedback surveys, companies can make improvements in their products based on their customers’ requirements.

Various other reasons are there that justify the need for product feedback surveys which we will discuss in the next section.

Why you need Product Feedback Surveys?

Creating a product that no one will use is a complete waste of time and effort. So, it’s crucial to know about the choices and interests of people who are going to use that product.

Here are some other reasons why you should conduct product feedback surveys.

Avoid making educated guesses

To find out what your customers want, you need to ask the appropriate questions. A product feedback survey helps in finding out what customers expect from your product and what they would like to see. Since customers are changing over time, don't make educated guesses about them.

Plan the next move

To thrive in the marketplace, companies are required to carefully plan their next move. By using product feedback surveys, your company will get enough information about customers that will help you to come up with appropriate products and changes in those products

Maximize customer satisfaction

Frequently conducting feedback surveys and making changes in the product accordingly helps in maximising customer satisfaction. Ask their suggestions, respond to their queries, and encourage their help through those product feedback surveys to make them feel valued.

Track the progress

Conducting product feedback surveys at the time of planning, processing, and launching products helps you to keep track of the product progress. This way you can make necessary adjustments to your product by taking care of customers' interests.

When to conduct Product Feedback Surveys?

Using product feedback surveys is a valuable and inexpensive market research tool. Therefore, it’s essential to know when you should conduct product feedback surveys so that the survey can fulfil its purpose.

Here are the 5 best suitable times when you should conduct product feedback surveys.

Test products available in the market

One of the best times to conduct product feedback from customers is to test products that are available in the market i.e., products that are already launched in the market. This will help you know what customers like about the product and where you need to make improvements. The improvement based on the collected feedback can enhance customer experience and attract new customers.

Adjust features

Whether your customers are happy and satisfied with the features that are offered in your product, you can find out by conducting product feedback surveys. The survey can help you to know which features customers use the maximum number of times and which features they don’t even use or face difficulty in using them. Then you can adjust your features according to those survey insights.

Check the scope of new products

When you are about to launch a new product in the market, you can conduct a product feedback survey. This will help you predict whether customers will like the type of product that you will be launching or not. Also, you can make necessary changes in your product’s colours, logo, features, etc. before the launch.

Test product quality

You can conduct a product feedback survey after a few months of the product purchase to know how your product is working. A feedback survey can assist you in identifying design issues and successes so that you can enhance your product.

Test product usability

Product surveys can also be used to see how easy the application of your product is to use. This will help you to know how your product is being used. If your customers find some applications difficult to use, you need to simplify them for them.

Examples of Product Feedback Survey Questions

To conduct the survey, you need to frame relevant questions regarding your product so that you can get the right answers from your customers.

To give you an idea about the type of questions that you can ask, here are some examples of product feedback survey questions. Let’s have a look.

  • Have you ever used a [product] like this before?
  • How willing are you to inform others about this product?
  • Which features or elements of this product are the most significant to you?
  • What is the frequency with which you use this product?
  • What are your doubts or confusions about [product]?
  • How was your buying experience? Would you like to describe it?
  • Does the cost of this product seem reasonable to you?
  • What is the reason that made you buy the product?
  • What problems were you facing before buying this product?
  • What is the one thing about our product that you like the most?
  • What is the one thing about our product that you like the least?
  • According to you, which feature should be added that can improve your experience?
  • Would you like to say something about our product or company in general?

Tips to Rightly Conduct Product Feedback Surveys

Customer feedback is highly valuable since it allows you to view your product from the customer's point of view. The data collected from customer feedback reveal which aspects of your business are working and which are not. However, you should ask meaningful questions correctly to obtain credible and significant information.

Here are 4 final tips for you to conduct a product feedback survey rightly:

Be clear about the information that you want

Before framing questions you should be clear about what are your expectations from the survey, and what information you want to collect. Your objectives will decide the questions of your survey.

Value their time by creating brief surveys

Getting accurate responses on lengthy surveys can be difficult as Customers might be busy or even lazy to answer questions. So it's advised to keep the survey short, crisp, and on-point. Make a list of questions and prioritize a few of them to create the survey.

Choose the appropriate format

You can create extensive surveys with several questions or simple on-page polls. Short on-page polls will get you more responses than long multiple-question surveys. There is no correct or incorrect format; you can select one that best suits your needs.

Don’t test the survey on customers

When you're new to this, creating surveys and collecting responses can be challenging. Therefore it is preferable to test the survey before sending it to customers. Check if the questions are understandable and on-point. Ask your team to fill out the feedback survey form.

Use Olvy’s Product Feedback Survey Templates

Conducting product feedback surveys are better for a company’s long-term growth so it’s crucial to invest in them. Using Olvy’s product feedback survey templates can help you in rightly conducting these surveys and reaping maximum benefits from them. By using these survey templates, you can even get information that can offer you a competitive edge in the market.

Benefits of using Olvy’s Product Feedback Survey templates

  • You can collect feedback responses offline which means you don’t need to be online every time.
  • You can personalise surveys for customers which means you get specific and detailed responses.
  • You can customise survey visuals by customising colours, logos, and other things.
  • You can get real-time reports no matter how large the data size is.

Olvy exists to simplify the crucial process of gathering feedback about your products from customers. If you have not yet started, you can do it now with Olvy. It’s never too late.

About the author
Arnob Mukherjee

Arnob Mukherjee

Building Olvy

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