Customer Trust: 6 Most Effective Ways to Build Customer Trust

Customer Trust: 6 Most Effective Ways to Build Customer Trust

Gaining customer trust is crucial in today’s competitive business world, and knowing how to do it is even more important.

Companies or brands that put in extra effort and go beyond for their customers have higher chances of winning their hearts as well as trust. Not doing so, limits the chances of earning a loyal customer base who trusts you.

Even 70% of customers say that trust in a brand is crucial for making a purchase and most of them prefer spending money on brands they trust. It reflects a great opportunity for you to increase revenue by making more people trust your brand.

Not trying hands-on to gain customer trust can cost you huge losses in the long run and you might not even survive in this competitive & constantly evolving business environment. So, let’s not take a chance on that and start it from today.

Also, as Amy Rees Anderson says, it takes years to build trust, seconds to break it, and forever to repair, you can’t risk it by using cheap tactics.

So, here are the 6 most effective ways to build trust that will surely help you win customers’ trust. So, let’s begin.

6 most effective ways to build Customer Trust

Trust is a matter of perception. It's something that every business has to earn. - Adam Rogers

Add a personal touch by telling your stories

Telling your stories (successes, struggles, failures) adds a personal touch to your brand that shows your authenticity to customers. Also, this portrays a good brand image and lets your customers see you beyond your products.

These stories can be your brand struggles, expertise, vision, history, failures, etc. Customers will trust you more through these stories as they will find them relatable and genuine. And don’t forget people genuinely love it.

Show your customers that you understand them

Customers have various choices that make them picky. That’s why customers prefer personalized experiences. Therefore it’s essential to research your customers’ needs, challenges, fears, and expectations. This will give you a clear understanding of your customers.

Also, show your customers that you understand them by giving personalized experiences to them. Showing this will build customer trust and they will vouch for you for giving the best to customers.

Keep everything honest and transparent

A great thing to start with is being honest, transparent, and not faking anything. Customers don’t like brands who fake it instead show it the way it is and don’t overpromise.

Don’t make false promises as customers won’t trust you again if you’ll raise their expectations and break them later. Keep them informed about everything from the start and let them make informed decisions.

Customers value honesty above everything. Nothing is better than the truth that can build trust. -Natalie Doyle Oldfield, Forbes

Show them honest reviews and testimonials

Customers trust customers more than they trust businesses or brands. Customers value real experiences as they think companies fake things to sell their products. So ask for reviews and testimonials from customers so that customers can trust you more.

People will trust these reviews and testimonials as they know that these customers have no gain from faking this. So their words can vouch for you in front of other customers.

Add human touch by showing real faces

Being human, we trust human connections. It’s practically not possible to meet every customer in person but showing human faces can build customer trust.

For this, you can show your team by creating a page on your website or posting it on your social media. This will give a human touch to your brand and give your customers a reason to trust you more.

Offer exceptional and satisfactory customer service

Customer service helps brands stand out in the eyes of customers. The level of customer service that a company provides can have a significant impact on consumer trust and loyalty. As a result, it's essential to have a dedicated customer support team with extensive training.

Compassion, a commitment to the customer's interests, and an emphasis on accountability are all characteristics of exceptional customer service. It demonstrates that your organization values its consumers enough to carefully and consistently lead them through any problems they may be encountering with your product or service.

It assures customers that if they face any problem, they will be in good hands, which is the foundation of trust.

Customers have higher expectations from brands which results in brand trust declines. Around 83% of customers say to brands that they don’t trust. Brands should focus on transparency, honesty, reliability, and warmth to build trust. - Alizah Asif Farooq

Final Words

The secret sauce to building trust is to value your customers and prioritize them. Offer them great products and exceptional services. Communicate effectively, educate them smartly, and share reviews & testimonials with them.

Be transparent & honest. Keep these little things in mind and see the huge impact on sales and overall brand image.

About the author
Arnob Mukherjee

Arnob Mukherjee

Building Olvy

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