11 Best Practices to Create a Great Customer Experience Strategy

11 Best Practices to Create a Great Customer Experience Strategy

Customer experience is the key parameter that differentiates you from your competitors. Customers, in today’s world, seek products or brands that prioritize delivering exceptional customer experience.

But delivering a good customer experience is not possible without a great customer experience strategy. If you don’t have any strategy yet, don’t worry. We’ll help you to create one through this blog.

Before that let’s see what a customer experience strategy is.

What is a Customer Experience Strategy?

Customer Experience refers to the total interaction of all the customers with a business. This implies that Customer Experience Strategy refers to the actionable plans ideated to deliver positive and meaningful experiences in those customer interactions. Customer experience strategy is beyond competitive insight, marketplace data, consumer research, and mission & vision.

While creating a customer experience strategy, businesses should include feedback from all departments and not just customer service people. Including feedback from all departments helps the organization in enhancing customer experience and relationships.

After knowing about customer experience strategy it’s time to see the customer experience best practices to create an effective strategy. In the next section, you’ll learn about the few customer experience strategy best practices. So, let’s move ahead.

11 Customer Experience Strategy Best Practices

Creating a customer experience strategy can completely change your customers’ perception of your company. Since customer experience strategy gives you a way to deliver excellent customer experiences. So here are 11 customer experience strategy best practices to help you achieve your organizational goals.

Establish yourself on channels that your customers prefer

Communication plays a crucial role in relationships with customers. To build a good customer relationship, you have to first reach out to your customers where they are. Once you know which channels your customers are more active in, learn its use properly.

You are missing some of the best opportunities to engage and connect with customers by not meeting them on the channels they are most active in. If done correctly, reachability may be a beneficial competitive advantage. It's critical that your company understands your consumers' preferred channels and provides consistent and reliable service through them.

Build various customer service sources to create flexibility

Customers are more empowered now to find needed solutions and information via the Internet. So, businesses need to prioritize improving their online support system to build a good image among customers.

You should create a 24/7 live chat feature to help customers all the time. Also, you should focus on creating a huge knowledge database to support your customers and help them in searching for information themselves.

Creating all these ways to help customers will give them the flexibility to reach out to you anywhere which in turn will improve customer experience.

Gain customer trust by being consistent

Consistency can create a huge difference between similar businesses as not everyone can be consistent. It also builds customer trust in your company. So, it’s important to be consistent in your customer service processes, policies, and actions as they influence the customer experience.

To deliver outstanding customer experiences and gain their trust, make sure that all the customer service knowledge data is up-to-date, services are frictionless, and policies are reasonable. Try to avoid any such situation that makes it difficult for customers to make a purchase from you in the future.

Use customer feedback to make improvements

The ultimate reason for customer interaction is the purchase of a product or service. If your product or service is up to the customers' expectations, the overall customer experience will be amazing.

So, take product or service feedback from your customers and make improvements based on their feedback. Notify your customers once improvements are made. Solve the root cause that can lead to a bad customer experience and you will be the winner.

Make the purchase painless for customers

Making purchasing convenient for your customers should be an essential part of your customer experience strategy. Don’t make it difficult for customers to spend money.

For this purpose, you can mention accurate descriptions of products on your website along with their prices and discount details. Once the order is placed, set up automation to inform customers about the shipping and delivery details.

Make the purchase painless for your customers which will lead to exceptional customer experiences.

Blend customer service with personalization

To maximize customer experience, organizations should collect data throughout the customer relationship that may be utilized to make relevant suggestions or give more knowledgeable help in the future.

Customers see personalization as a reward for their loyalty. They feel that you are making efforts to strengthen the relationship through better service, suggestions, support, etc. which makes them feel valued.

Make it simple and easy to use for customers

Customers are impatient and can change their decisions within seconds if there is a delay of a few seconds in landing on the website. Focus on mobile optimization more as customers will not open their desktop or laptop to purchase from your website. Make your website user-friendly and easy to navigate so that purchases can be smooth and customers have a seamless experience.

Keep Omnichannel Approach

Customers prefer things that they like. While making any purchase, they will prefer to reach your company through channels that they like. As everyone has different choices, you cannot predict which channel your customers will prefer. In this sense, you need to adopt the omnichannel approach for your business which will help you deliver great customer experiences.

To make channel flexibility a fundamental part of your customer experience strategy, bring your team together and discuss with them how you want the customer experience to be across all channels.

Enhance customer experience through automation and AI

As your customer base will increase with time, providing customized service to each customer will be difficult. The situations will not be similar to the ones when you were handling only a few clients. Here comes the role of artificial intelligence and automation tools that can help you to maintain your standards. These tools can add a lot of value to your customer experience and lessen the customer support team's work.

Be attentive on social media channels

Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., are powerful tools nowadays. While being active on social media, you can get a lot of information such as your customers' opinions about your company and products, the trending topics in your industry, your competitor’s behavior, etc. You can also see through social media whether your customer’s needs are getting fulfilled.

Social media can help you find out the pain points in the customer journey and other useful insights that might improve the customer experience.

Frequently train your customer support team

Training employees while joining is not enough. As the business world and customer preferences are changing constantly, your customer support team employees need to be trained frequently so that they are aware of the latest trends and ways to deal with customers.

These employee training sessions will improve their communication, attitude, and product or service presentation. All these combined efforts will lead to great customer experiences.


Customers' experiences with your company decide their future purchases. One bad customer experience and you lost a customer for life. There is nothing wrong with creating a customer experience strategy when you know the crucial role it plays in delivering outstanding customer experiences.

As your business and customer base will grow with time, keep evolving your customer experience design to get the best out of it. Communicate with your customers on their terms and make informed decisions for your overall customer experience strategy.

About the author
Arnob Mukherjee

Arnob Mukherjee

Building Olvy

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