How to collect and analyze feedback on Slack communities

How to collect and analyze feedback on Slack communities

When you think about the ways to improve a product, feedback stands out as an important element. It guides your enhancement efforts, helps you fix bugs, and aligns the product with user expectations. This insight shapes future developments and ensures continuous improvement.

There are many ways to collect feedback, each with its unique advantages. Amidst these methods, you can leverage Slack as a viable option. It's a hub for collaboration and feedback collection. Slack's versatile environment supports various feedback channels, making gathering insights directly from users easier.

You have the option to create Slack communities within Slack. These communities bring together professionals, users, stakeholders, and developers for rich discussions.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to collect and analyze feedback on Slack communities.

Why do organizations use Slack communities?

A Slack community operates like a basic discussion forum, where various channels facilitate organized conversations tailored to distinct subgroups.

Organizations turn to Slack communities to develop closer relationships with their users, customers, and stakeholders. These communities allow for direct engagement and feedback, which is crucial for continuous improvement and success.

Here's why organizations value Slack for building these communities:

Pre-existing Familiarity

A significant portion of professionals already use Slack. It is the communication choice for nearly 80% of Fortune 100 companies. This widespread adoption suggests that many community members might already have direct experience with Slack or, at the very least, understand how it operates.

Real-time Communication

Slack shines in facilitating immediate interactions. This capability is essential for organizations to offer prompt support, share updates, and foster connections among community members. Real-time communication enhances the sense of belonging and engagement within the community.

Customizable Spaces for Interaction

Organizations can curate channels for specific topics like product support or upcoming events. This structure helps members easily navigate to areas of interest. It promotes more focused and meaningful conversations.


The platform’s freemium model is particularly appealing for organizations mindful of budget constraints. Starting a community on Slack does not require upfront costs. This makes it accessible for businesses of all sizes to build and grow their communities.

Best ways to ask for feedback on Slack communities

In Slack communities, not all methods for gathering feedback prove effective. Some fall short of engaging members effectively. Here are strategies to enhance feedback collection in Slack communities:

Create a Dedicated Slack Community for Feedback

Establish a specific channel or community within Slack dedicated to feedback. This strategy ensures clarity on where members should share insights and experiences. It streamlines the feedback collection process.

Members know the exact place for their valuable input. This method simplifies gathering and organizing feedback. It enhances responsiveness and effectiveness in addressing member suggestions and concerns.

Use @mention for Specific Feedback Requests

The @mention feature helps you get feedback from a particular person. This feature directly notifies the intended person. It increases the likelihood of a prompt response. Some of the benefits of using this feature include:

  • Ensures targeted individuals see the request immediately.
  • Boosts engagement as you directly address the team members.
  • Enhances the efficiency of collecting feedback by reducing missed messages.

Incorporating @mention for feedback purposes fosters a responsive and interactive community environment. It ensures that you get valuable insights and acknowledge them efficiently.

Polls for Quick Insights

Conducting polls in Slack communities is an efficient way to gather quick, quantitative feedback. This method is perfect for understanding opinions on specific questions or making decisions with community input. Here are two ways to conduct polls:

  • Using Slack’s Built-in Polling Feature: Post your question directly in Slack and ask members to respond using a specific emoji for each answer. This simple approach allows for a rapid collection of votes and is ideal for straightforward questions.
  • Using Third-Party Tools: For more detailed answers or complex polling needs, third-party tools integrated with Slack offer advanced features. These tools can provide anonymity, detailed analytics, and more complex question formats.

Whether through Slack or third-party tools, polls offer a direct line to understanding community preferences. They enable quick decision-making and ensure you hear the voice of the community.

Feedback Threads

Feedback threads in Slack are conversations linked to a specific message that focuses on detailed feedback on particular topics. They keep discussions streamlined and organized. Benefits include:

  • Organization: Threads group related messages to reduce clutter in the main channel.
  • Focus: They allow in-depth discussions on specific subjects without overwhelming the entire community.
  • Ease of Follow-up: Members can easily track and contribute to ongoing conversations relevant to their interests or expertise.

To use feedback threads effectively:

  • Initiate with a Clear Question or Prompt: Start threads with a clear and concise question or prompt to guide the discussion.
  • Encourage Participation: Actively invite members to contribute to the thread so that you can capture a diverse range of perspectives.
  • Monitor and Engage: Keep an eye on the thread. Respond to contributions and steer the conversation as needed to ensure productive discussion.

Collect Feedback coming on Slack

Collecting and managing feedback within a Slack community can be challenging, especially as the community expands. Tracking all feedback and updating members on new developments related to their suggestions requires a structured approach. This is where Olvy’s Slack Integration comes into play. It offers a seamless solution for managing feedback.

Integrating Olvy with Slack simplifies the feedback management process. Once set up, this integration allows you to log all valuable feedback in one place. It facilitates analyzing feedback and lets you easily inform users about new updates or features they've requested.

Setting Up the Integration

To integrate Olvy with your Slack, navigate to Olvy’s Workspace Settings and select Integrations. In the list of integrations, authorize your Slack Workspace with Olvy. After authorizing, Olvy’s Bot joins your workspace.

You then invite Olvy to any channel you wish to capture feedback. This setup prepares you to push feedback to Olvy directly from Slack.

Once the integration is complete, invite the Olvy Slack bot to the channels from which you intend to capture feedback. You can do this by typing /invite and then Add ‘Olvy’ in the desired channel.

The presence of the Olvy bot is essential as it tracks who provided the feedback and creates a corresponding user profile in Olvy. This step is critical for capturing feedback effectively.

Capturing Feedback

To capture feedback, look for the message in Slack you wish to log, click on the more options (three dots), and select “Push to Olvy.” After selecting this option, add context to the message for clarity.

You can categorize the feedback as a feature request, bug report, etc., and submit it to Olvy. Olvy then acknowledges this action and provides a link to the captured message, including the feedback provider's user profile.

Engaging with Users

Olvy allows for direct engagement with users who have provided feedback. Without leaving Olvy, you can send messages to these users. You can inform them about the progress of their feedback or answer their queries. This direct communication channel enhances customer support and engagement.

Benefits of Olvy’s Slack Integration

Olvy’s Slack Integration streamlines feedback collection and analysis, offering several key benefits:

  • Efficient Feedback Collection: Push relevant feedback from Slack to Olvy and centralize all feedback for easy access and analysis.
  • Automatic User Profiles: Create user profiles automatically when feedback is pushed to Olvy.
  • Direct Communication: Communicate directly with users who provide feedback. It enhances research and user engagement.
  • Announcements and Updates: Easily inform your community about new features or updates they've suggested. It closes the feedback loop effectively.
  • Release Notes Publication: Notify Slack community members about new release notes. It keeps them informed and engaged.

Analyze feedback from Slack Community

Now, with feedback in hand, it's time to analyze it. You can leverage Olvy AI Copilot, to understand user insights. This tool acts as the missing intelligence layer atop customer feedback. It helps you make faster decisions by understanding user suggestions, praises, and concerns.

Here’s how you can leverage this powerful tool to analyze feedback from your Slack community.

Feedback Analysis with Olvy AI Copilot

Olvy’s AI Copilot sifts through the feedback collected. It offers unique features designed to bring clarity and actionable insights:

  1. Automatic Feedback Detection: Olvy separates valuable feedback from noise. This ensures that the focus remains on inputs influencing product development and user experience improvements.
  2. Auto-Tagging: Manual tagging has become a thing of the past. Olvy's AI automatically categorizes feedback based on content to help you organize and prioritize areas for attention.
  3. Feedback Translation: Language barriers no longer pose a problem. Olvy can translate feedback from various languages. This way, you won’t miss any valuable insight due to linguistic differences.
  4. Sentiment Analysis: Understand what users like and what they don’t. Olvy identifies the sentiment behind each piece of feedback. It helps your team gauge overall user satisfaction and areas of discontent.
  5. Keyword Extraction: You can easily understand what users are specifically talking about. Olvy detects key phrases and topics within the feedback. It highlights areas of your app or service generating the most discussion.
  6. Feedback Summarization: Save hours of analysis with Olvy’s summarization feature. It condenses thousands of feedback entries into a concise summary with recommendations and detailed metadata.
  7. Editable Tags in Slack Configuration: Olvy allows tags in the Slack configuration to be edited post-creation. It adds flexibility to how you manage and organize feedback.

Making Decisions with Insights

With these insights, your teams can prioritize developments with the greatest potential impact. You can focus on features like auto-translation and enhance customization options. They cater to a broader audience while improving the user experience.

Wrapping Up

Slack is an important communication tool, especially in gathering valuable feedback from diverse communities. Its ease of use and widespread adoption make it an ideal platform for engaging users, stakeholders, and team members.

Yet, capturing and managing this feedback poses a challenge that requires a robust solution. This is where Olvy integration elevates Slack's utility by streamlining the feedback collection and analysis process.

With Olvy, your organization can capture feedback efficiently and glean actionable insights to help them continuously improve and align with user expectations. This powerful combination ensures that every voice is heard and every feedback counts towards enhancing product value.

About the author
Arnob Mukherjee

Arnob Mukherjee

Building Olvy

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