Once you’re ready with the release, it’s time to preview and publish it. You can access the preview and publish from the top right of the release editor.

Preview Release
Clicking on the ‘Preview’ button on the top right lets you choose whether you want to preview the release as it will appear in Changelog, Widget, or Email. As you click on any option, you have the preview in front of you.

After the preview, let’s move to publish the release.
Publish Release
Clicking on the ‘Publish’ button on the top right will open the publish slide-over.

- On the top, you’ll have an option to Generate Missing Translations (if you’ve multi-language support enabled and didn’t generate the release translation for the chosen language)
- Next, you can either choose ‘Publish Now’ to publish the release on the spot or add a ‘Release Publish Date’ to backdate or schedule the release.
- You can also add an Expiry Date to your release, which means the release won’t be live on your changelog after that date.
- If you want to show the release to a particular set of users, you can add a user segment to the release. You can learn more about User Segmentation here.
- Next up, you have the option to send an email notification to Changelog subscribers.
- Once all is done, you’re ready to hit the ‘Publish’ button at the bottom right corner of the publish slide-over.
To view all the live releases on Olvy, open the Changelog page from the side bar. On the top, you’ll see different tabs — Draft, Scheduled, Live, Expired, and All. Click on the ‘Live’ tab to view all the published releases.
Delete Release & Unpublish Release
If you wish to delete the release, you can find the Delete button by clicking on the More Options icon at the top right corner of the release editor. Deleting the release is permanent, and you can’t recover it once it's deleted.
To remove a release from your public Changelog without deleting it, click the "More Options icon" in the release editor or the releases card, then select "Unpublish." The unpublished release will be moved to Drafts.