Olvy Billing and Pricing

Olvy offers four pricing plans designed to help your entire team adopt and build a better feedback culture without breaking the bank. The plans include Free, Essentials, Business, and Enterprise. For detailed information regarding pricing and features associated with each plan, please visit our pricing page. You can also find this information in the app in your workspace settings.

The main differences between plans are the features available and the number of builders included in your workspace. You can add more builders to your workspace for an additional charge, which varies based on the pricing plan. Details on the price for extra builders can be found on the pricing page.

Free Trial

Every workspace created on Olvy is eligible for a free 14-day trial of our Essentials plan. You can explore most of the product's features on the Essentials plan. After your trial ends, your workspace will be automatically downgraded to the free plan. You can then choose to add your credit card information and upgrade to one of the paid plans or continue using the product for free with reduced features.

Payment Methods

You can pay for your Olvy subscription using any valid credit card. We use Stripe to process payments, and all payment methods are securely stored with Stripe.

Current Plan and Usage

You can find details on which pricing plan you're currently on in the Billing page. If you have an ongoing trial, you will also find the date your trial will end there. Below your plan details, you can see the usage information for your workspace. Depending on the plan you're on, some features come with usage limits. Each major feature that has usage limits is shown on this screen with a progress indicator so you can track how much you've consumed to date. The usage information resets on the 1st of every month.

Viewing Invoices and Payment Methods

You can click on Manage Subscription on the billing page, which will redirect you to the billing portal powered by Stripe. On the billing portal, you can update your payment methods, billing information, and view all pending and completed invoices associated with your workspace.

Workspaces For Multiple Products

Each workspace on Olvy is billed separately, requiring a separate subscription. For multiple products, you can maintain different workspaces for each product or use one workspace and create multiple changelog and feedback widgets. The decision on what works best for you depends on the differences between the products and how your teams are structured. If you need help deciding, reach out to us at support@olvy.co, and one of our team members will assist you in making a decision.


What is a “builder”?

In Olvy, a builder is a user with the ability to create and manage releases, widgets, feedback, and other items. There is also a viewer role that allows users to add feedback to a workspace and view items, but not edit them. You can have as many builders and viewers as you need, and you only need to pay for the number of builders in your Olvy workspace.

Can I change the number of builders any time?

You can change the number of builders in your workspace at any time, and your invoice will automatically be adjusted for the new count. If you have paid for any extra builders in advance, the amount you have already paid will automatically be adjusted for the remaining builders.

What happens after my Free Trial?

After your free trial ends, you will be automatically downgraded to the Olvy Free plan with limited features. To continue using the paid features, you will need to upgrade your subscription. Please note that we do not require a credit card for your free trial.

What are "Unique Visitors"?

Every unique person who views your releases page or visits any page where your Olvy widgets are added is counted as a unique visitor. Visitors are identified via their IP address.

Do you have non-profit or open-source discounts?

We offer standard discounts for non-profit and open-source organizations. Please email us at support@olvy.co with details to learn more about these discounts.

Can I cancel if I don't like Olvy?

Yes, if you are on the Essentials or Business plan and wish to cancel your subscription for any reason, you may do so directly from the product with ease. We will automatically issue a pro-rated refund to you based on your plan and usage.