User Identification for Feedback and Announcement Widget

When your users interact with the Olvy widgets, whether it is giving you feedback using your feedback widget or reacting "Awesome!" to a release note, you would want to know who the particular feedback or reaction is coming from.

User Identification allows you to add a user's information with the actions they take using Olvy widgets.

In order to identify a user you will just need to call the following function in your application when the application is loaded.

OlvyUtils.setUser("<your-subdomain>", {
    name: "name of your user",
    email: "email of your user",
    identifier: "unique id for your user (primary key)",
    designation: "(optional) designation of your user",
    meta: "(optional) takes a JSON object with any additional info"

Replace <your-subdomain> with the subdomain of your Olvy workspace. For example if your Olvy releases page is at then replace <your-subdomain> with acme

That's all. Olvy's script will not associate your user information with all actions they take.

Linking Tags and Companies

You can also pass the tags and companies you want to link a user to in the identification process itself.

OlvyUtils.setUser("<your-subdomain>", {
    name: "name of your user",
    email: "email of your user",
    identifier: "unique id for your user (primary key)",
    designation: "(optional) designation of your user",
    meta: "(optional) takes a JSON object with any additional info",
    tags: ["tag1", "tag2"],
    companies: [
    	name: "name of the company",
        website: "domain name of the company"

The tags key is an array of strings, you will need to add the name of the tag you want to link to the user. If the tag you passed doesn't exist, Olvy will automatically create the tag and add it to the user.

The companies key is an array of object, where each object is a company and takes three keys, name, website, and meta. Name and Website are required keys for user identification.

Companies and Tags are only added via the user identification process, and not removed. If you want to remove the associations, you'll need to do it from the Olvy app or via the API.