Continuous Feedback for Product Managers

A successful product manager in one who always stays connected to the product changes and its effects on users. This is only possible by continuously listening to your user’s feedback. Not only does it give you insights on how your product is working, but also builds a culture of building products for your target audience.

This is what we call “continuous feedback” and in this blog we’ll take a look at its importance and how you too can easily implement it in your organization.

What is Continuous Feedback

Continuous feedback is a process in which it’s ensured that user feedback around the product is taken regularly rather than occasionally.

This helps you keep a track of customer satisfaction and ensures that you stay on top of user feedback. This helps you build a product which is loved and cherished by its users.

Importance of Continuous Feedback

Continuous feedback is crucial for product managers for several reasons:

  1. Improvement and Iteration: Continuous feedback allows product managers to iteratively improve the product. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, adjustments can be made quickly and effectively.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Regular feedback from customers ensures that their needs and expectations are being met. This fosters customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  3. Addressing Issues Early: Early detection of issues or negative feedback can prevent larger problems in the future. This proactive approach can save time and resources.
  4. Informed Decision Making: Feedback provides valuable data that can inform product decisions. This data-driven approach ensures that decisions are based on actual user experiences and needs.
  5. Team Alignment: Continuous feedback helps in keeping the team aligned with the product vision and goals. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards common objectives.
  6. Innovation: Regular input can provide new ideas and perspectives that product managers might not have considered. This fosters innovation and helps in creating a product that stands out in the market.

By integrating continuous feedback into their processes, product managers can enhance the product experience, drive better outcomes, and ultimately ensure the product’s success in the market.

Continuous Feedback System

The reason most organizations don’t have a continuous feedback system is that conventional methods are very difficult to implement and are resource heavy, which makes it non-feasible for small product teams.

Though this still stands true, but certain tools like Olvy have made this process easier and less time-consuming. Let’s go through the steps where Olvy comes handy.

Automated & Regular Feedback Collection

The first step towards setting up a continuous feedback is to regularly collect feedback, and Olvy has multiple built-in automations for this.

Not only can you use dedicated feedback widgets but also connect Olvy to tools like Slack (for community), Zendesk and Crisp from where user feedback and issues are automatically pulled.

Instant Analysis of Feedback

The collected data is this automatically segregated into a dashboard which can be analyzed by using AI in minutes if not seconds. This is great when you have a large amount of feedback coming which usually takes days to process is done manually.

Connects Product & Development Teams

Olvy is also efficient in mapping user issues into development tickets as you can directly group and move user issues to tools like Linear and Jira where the development team can pick it up.

Keeps Users in Loop

Once the user’s issues/request are addressed, they can be notified directly from Olvy and it ensures that all your users stay on top of everything you did.


Implementing a continuous feedback system is essential for modern product management. By consistently gathering and analyzing user feedback, product managers can stay informed about user satisfaction, swiftly address issues, and make data-driven decisions.

Tools like Olvy simplify this process by automating feedback collection, facilitating instant analysis, and ensuring seamless communication between product and development teams. Ultimately, a robust continuous feedback system not only enhances the product experience but also fosters innovation and builds strong customer relationships, ensuring the product’s long-term success in the market.