300+ Product Management Videos for Product Managers

Since product management in itself is such a huge umbrella that covers a lot of skill sets under it. For someone learning everything by themselves, it’s difficult to learn everything and master it quickly. To help product managers in their learning and product building journey, we’ve curated a list of 300+ super insightful videos from different categories that product managers care about.

So, let’s dive in.


Roadmapping offers insights into creating strategic plans that align with your product goals. Learn to balance agility and foresight in your roadmap, ensuring your product adapts and thrives in a constantly evolving market.

Best Practices for Product Roadmap —Jeff Lash

This video talks about strategic planning and problem-solving where Jeff Lash shared best practices for product roadmapping. The product roadmap serves as a guide for how a product can evolve to meet customer needs and align with the overall strategy of the company.

How to Build a Product Roadmap in 6½ Simple Steps

Learn how you can build a product roadmap in simple steps from this video. A roadmap is a visual representation of your product's strategic development, helping to communicate the what and why of your strategy to all stakeholders.

Webinar: Product Roadmap Prioritization by Amazon Principal PM, Poornima Jarajapu

The webinar talks everything about product roadmap prioritization. Prioritization is crucial to ensure that the right product hits the market at the right time, preventing loss of opportunity and competition from taking over. Prioritizing the development of the entire portfolio on the website or app is crucial.

2024 Product Strategy & Roadmap | How to prioritize & FREE template

In this video, you can learn about the product strategy and roadmap in 2024. This video provides practical guidance on creating a roadmap suitable for both new and experienced product managers. Prioritizing strategically is not about finding a perfect formula but experimenting, being lean and agile, and learning from mistakes.

Explore more videos on roadmapping here.


Leadership plays a vital role in shaping successful product management teams and strategies. Let's delve into the qualities of effective leaders, from inspiring vision and fostering innovation to managing teams and driving results. Learn how leadership skills can influence the direction of a project, motivate teams, and ultimately lead to the successful realization of product goals.

Value Props: Create a Product People Will Actually Buy

This video talks about creating a product people with actually buy. It emphasises on addressing urgent needs and creating compelling products. The urgency of a product is relative to the customer segment, so finding the right user who sees the product as urgent is key to success.

Webinar: Hacking Your Product Leader Career by former Netflix VP Product, Gibson Biddle

In this webinar video, former Netflix VP Product shares how a healthy product culture involves promoting ideals and principles around how products should operate within a business, and valuing insights and connection with customers. Product culture is about creating a culture of acceptance and value for all roles within the organization, not just the product team.

Which product risk should you focus most of your efforts on mitigating?

This video talks about product risk in general and how to identify which risk you should focus most efforts on mitigating. Feasibility, viability, usability, and value are all important product risks to address among which value is the hardest risk to address for most teams.

Best Practices for Onboarding New Product Managers | Excellent Product Leadership

Learn the best practices that you can use to onboard new product managers. This video acknowledges the nascent nature of the product management field and emphasizes the significance of setting clear expectations during the onboarding phase.

Explore more videos on leadership here.

User Research

User research is the essential component for effective product development. It involves gathering and analyzing user feedback to create products that truly resonate with your target audience.

How to Become a UX Researcher: the ultimate UXR career guide

This video is a perfect guide for someone who wants to become a UX researcher. Starting a career in UX research with zero background is possible with a comprehensive action plan and dedication.

The UX Research reckoning is here | Judd Antin (Airbnb, Meta)

Judd Antin, Ex-Airbnb, Meta, talks about reckoning on UX research in this video. The era of hiring researchers without setting them up properly and not knowing how to drive impact with research is over. Research being treated as a service function and called in only at the end of the process is a major problem in product development.

UX Research: Asking The Right User Interview Questions

This video teaches about asking the right user interview questions. Using "how" questions or questions starting with "what, when, where, which, and who" can help participants think out loud without feeling pressured to give a quick answer. Asking open-ended questions allows for exploration of different angles and prevents missing out on valuable insights.

How SaaS Customer Journey Turns Strangers into Clients

This video talks about SaaS customer journey. Customer journey is the story of someone who has the problem and is looking for a solution, but the solution does not necessarily include you. Customers who receive helpful content are three times more likely to buy from their helper, emphasizing the importance of relevant and supportive marketing materials. The customer decision journey can be summarized into four steps: initial consideration, active evaluation, closure, and post-purchase.

Explore more videos on user research here.

Product Design

Product Design is crucial aspect of product management focuses on creating solutions that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. Learn about design principles, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, prototyping, and user testing. Discover how effective design can enhance user satisfaction and contribute significantly to the success of a product.

I designed Saas Products for Google & Apple | Enterprise UX design

This video is specific to enterprise UX design. Design problems in SaaS product design and enterprise tools are some of the most complex problems to solve in the design industry. Observing users in their environment can provide better insights than just giving them a test or prompt.

How to Design Like Apple: A Simple Guide to Apple's Design Language

Learn how you can design like Apple. Apple's product design is instantly recognizable and admired for its simplicity and functionality. Their strategy has evolved from "do more and cost less" to a focus on premium quality and aesthetics, reflecting a shift in the market and consumer preferences. The continuous surface design of Apple products creates a flow and less clunky look, emphasizing attention to detail.

Figma Noob to Pro! 09: Community and Plugins

Figma community provides easy access to a wide range of assets and resources, making it a powerful tool for designers. Figma allows for easy manipulation and customization of components, setting it apart from other design tools like XD or Sketch. Become Figma Noob to Pro by leveraging these community and plugins.

Netflix Product Designer | Navin Iyengar | Design Like a Scientist

Netflix takes a scientific and rigorous approach to the design and development of their product, using experimentation and A/B testing. See what they do differently and how. Instead of relying on conventional wisdom or what people tell them is the truth, Netflix values collecting behavioral data and drawing their own conclusions to understand customer behavior and satisfaction.

Explore more videos on product design here.


Frameworks are the backbone of strategic planning and execution in product management. Learn from proven frameworks that guide decision-making, problem-solving, and product development processes. From Lean and Agile methodologies to Design Thinking and the Kano Model, learn how to apply these frameworks to streamline workflows, enhance team collaboration, and drive product innovation.

Product Sense Workshop | ft. Kunal Shah and Shreyas Doshi | CRED

This is a product sense workshop where Kunal Shah comprehensively talks about product development. He shared that the core value for product thinking is empowerment, where teams and individuals are secure in their roles and have the freedom to engage in product thinking.

Webinar: Frameworks for Excelling as a PM by Stripe Product Lead, Rishabh Dave

In this webinar, Rishabh Dave, a Product Lead at Stripe, shares his career journey, starting as a technology consultant at Accenture and later working at Amazon and Uber before his current role at Stripe. You can learn from his life and experience and pick up things that you think are the most suitable and essential for you.

What is MoSCoW Prioritization Method? Definition, Overview, and Best Practices

Moscow Prioritization is a popular technique for managing requirements in product development. This video talks everything about MoSCoW prioroozation method that you should definitely know. It helps key stakeholders understand initiatives in a specific release.

5 Best Product Management Frameworks (for PMs and Entrepreneurs)

The video explores powerful and commonly used frameworks in product management used by today's product managers. Experienced product managers apply appropriate frameworks to address specific business and product challenges. Some of them are Ada Marketing Framework, RICE Framework, RACY Framework, SMART Goal-Setting Methodology, and SWOT Analysis for Strategic Decision-Making.

Explore more videos on frameworks here.

Qualitative Analytics

Qualitative Analysis is a vital aspect of understanding complex user behaviors and preferences in product management. Learn how to interpret and utilize non-numerical information to gain a deeper understanding of user needs, motivations, and experiences, crucial for informed decision-making and creating more user-centered products.

Qualitative Data Analysis 101 Tutorial: 6 Analysis Methods + Examples

The video emphasizes the importance of understanding qualitative data, which includes not just text-based data but also the interpretation of images and videos. Qualitative analysis is described as challenging and time-consuming, with potential nuances and complexities in interpreting large amounts of text-based or audio data.

The six qualitative data analysis methods discussed are Qualitative Content Analysis, Narrative Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Thematic Analysis, Grounded Theory, and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA).

Qualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide for coding/indexing

The video talks about qualitative analysis of interview data. It shares the complete step-by-step guide on this starting from quickly browsing through all interview transcripts to gain an overview and make initial notes on first impressions.

How to analyze qualitative data for an interview I semi-structured interview

Learn how to analyze qualitative data for an interview. Immediately after the semi-structured interview, make detailed notes on ideas and questions. Organize and label your data without attaching participant names to ensure confidentiality.

Summarize thousands of Customer Feedback in 1 Click using OlvyAI

Learn how OlvyAI offers a feature to summarize thousands of user feedback in one click using AI copilot. The tool analyzes feedback from various sources and identifies the top five problems as the first layer of summarization. OlvyAI also considers repeated keywords, providing recommendations for further actions, such as filtering or sharing feedback with the team.

The user demonstrates a specific example, focusing on feedback related to the mobile keyword, where 95.5% of users have given negative feedback. The AI copilot not only generates a summary but also recommends a quick fix for the identified issues, allowing the user to create a linear issue or Jira ticket seamlessly for their team.

Explore more videos on qualitative analytics here.

We’ve more such categories listed here. Explore other categories and complete the list here — exclusive product-building resource, PMFLIX.

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